
Social Media in the Time of Quarantine

The first few days of self-quarantine noticed a surge in the usage of the words “I’m bored” on social media and in personal conversations too. The proof of this would be steady memes around isolation and how monotonous it really is, screenshots of chat boxes where people ran out of things to say, and increased online activity that involved a lot of mindless scrolling. 

Fast-forward (or should we say slow-forward?) to the present day scenario, people around the world have finally put their creative side forward and how! Boredom is now uncommon, and we have all collectively found newer ways to keep ourselves entertained apart from indulging in day-long Netflix binges. Instagram is the top player among other social media sites and we’re not surprised. It is largely contributing to redirecting people to other applications, as well as introducing them to a new hobby that they can master! Here, we take a look at some of our favourite trends across various platforms. 

Return of the Video Call.

For the longest time, we have rejoiced and found comfort in text messages because they make it look ‘easy’ to stay in touch. But if the isolation period has taught us one thing, it’s this – there is nothing that beats the feeling of being able to actually see your loved ones no matter where they are, even if it’s just on a rectangular screen. All over the world, people have turned to services like Facetime, Skype, and a little something called Houseparty. Couples have adapted to video call dates, friends are resorting to virtual gossip sessions, and meetings are scheduled remotely. The underdog is now the man of the hour; isn’t that something?

A creamy cuppa – the Dalgona coffee. 

The one cup of coffee you don’t have to overpay for, and still gives you a cafe-like experience – the Dalgona! Your likely quarantine caffeine fix is highly beaten up with sugar & coffee powder, poured on chilled milk & clicked for the ‘gram before finally making its way to your taste buds. Love it or hate it, you just can’t resist trying this Korean recipe! 

Living room workouts. 

For all the fitness enthusiasts committed to staying lean, quarantine has been a break they didn’t really ask for. Fitness & dance instructors took notice, and are now conducting sessions on Instagram Live – another underestimated Instagram feature. Even the ones who have been contemplating paying a considerable amount of money on a gym membership or a dance class now have a shot at beginning for free! So we say, get into your track pants and don’t put stoppers on any form of exercise! 

At-home Master Chefs.

A majority of us have been dependent on our favourite restaurants to take care of our food cravings as & when we had them. But the quarantine period has made us restructure our meal plans, look into our own fridge and stock up on ingredients to make a delectable dish – the recipe to which we may have found online. This is why aesthetically pleasing food pictures have taken over our feeds along with the words ‘home-cooked’ in every caption accompanying them. And while these pictures do nothing to ward off our constant cravings, at least they’re motivation enough to finally enter our kitchens and whip something up ourselves!

The OG way to ‘chill’ – Netflix & YouTube.

Amid a busy schedule and days that felt like weeks, most of us seldom had the luxury of a full-fledged Netflix binge. Well, not anymore. People of all age groups are consuming video content offered by the two biggest names in the entertainment industry – Netflix & YouTube. The traffic reached an all-time high, which pushed the providers to temporarily tone down their video quality to enable buffer-free watching for everyone. A simple online search will lead you to hundreds of credible listicles for your next watch, so we’d suggest you keep the snacks within reach.

Netflix & chill
Gaming in the time of Corona.

We know what you’re thinking – online gaming just doesn’t have the same feel as a real-life gaming experience. In the time of COVID-19, there is no choice but to rely on multiplayer games like Ludo, PUBG, Houseparty & Psych among others to get us through this humdrum phase. In a surprising turn of events, what initially seemed like a compulsion has now made its way into our daily quarantine routines. If you end up feeling incomplete without at least playing one virtual game with your friends during the day, you should know that you’re not alone!

Bingo gets a new-age upgrade!

A classic when it comes to party games, Bingo has been a favourite among every age group. Fairly easy to play but equally engaging, this game was thought to be limited only to social gatherings. Although, like everything else, Bingo too has been upgraded from a numbers-only game to word boxes on Instagram stories. Templates of all kinds are regularly being passed around by means of nominations, and we’re loving how this has flooded our otherwise boring DMs. 

Books with an expired shelf life.

All those books that you stacked but never got down to reading – the quarantine period is their time to shine! Finally, off the shelves and in your hands, these intellect-boosters have waited a long time for their pages to be turned. An avid reader or not, there’s at least one book that is sure to be completed by you during this lockdown! And if you’re feeling a little artistic too, consider investing some time into making your own bookmarks regardless of your art skills! 

In a way, this self-isolation period has brought us closer to who we are as people even though things are at a standstill. We do hope that we come out of this immune, but also more mindful about how we consume & create content on social media, considering the huge impact it has on all our lives! 

Image Credits: Pinterest & Instagram

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