Shilpa Shetty
Fashion Interview

Shilpa Shetty: Style Icon Extraordinaire!

In a candid conversation with Nupur Mehta Puri, the versatile star and Yoga expert breaks down the secrets behind an unchanged fitness journey and juggling her roles as an actor, entrepreneur & mother.

It has been fifteen years since I met the vivacious, free-spirited Shilpa Shetty, who lit up any room she entered. Her style was as iconic then as it is now and perfectly suited to her charm. Apart from being a sensational actor and dancer, the versatile star is known for being a fitness fanatic, well established by her physique that seems unchanged over the years. But while she mostly devotes her focus to Yoga and mindful eating, Shilpa balances it out by indulging in sinful desserts on her cheat days! However, what keeps people continually looking at her with awe is her ability to remain the same all throughout her career. Whether it is serving the most high-fashion looks or her dance moves, Shilpa Shetty’s charismatic aura remains unaltered even two decades after her Bollywood debut. In a fun tête-à-tête for First Look Magazine, the multifaceted diva breaks down the secrets behind being at the top of her game while balancing her home life simultaneously.

NP: I remember we last met about fifteen years ago while shooting in London. I am amazed that you still have that exact aura and style even today! How do you manage to stick to your personal aesthetics while sporting myriad looks amid fleeting times and trends? 

SS: I am truly flattered to hear you think so! To answer your question, I just like to go with the flow. Sometimes, I like to brief my team regarding a specific vibe I want to achieve and other times, I just place my trust in my stylist’s expertise. However, no matter what I am wearing, whether it is an avant-garde gown or a saree, there are absolute no-nos that I stick to. While I don’t mind experimenting with new things, I won’t step out of my comfort zone if something looks unpleasant to the eye. The idea is to always look cool and effortless but never overdone.

I always admire the different styles of different people as the variety fascinates me. But I never advocated the concept of copying anyone blindly because the moment you do that, you instantly become a trend follower and not a trendsetter. While I may take inspiration from many people before me who have done some epic work, I want to be inspirational for another generation with my individuality.

NP: You are often spotted wearing talented designer creations at various events. Could you name your all-time favourite as well as a new-found designer that you love!

SS: Today, there are so many supremely talented designers out there – some of whom have grown with time, and others who have created history in Indian fashion. For example, Tarun Tahiliani is someone I genuinely admire. Not a lot of people know this, but I walked for him when I was seventeen! That’s how long we go, and we have become very good friends over the years. He also made my wedding outfit and trousseau. His clothes are timeless; he can make something today, and twenty years later, it will still be in vogue.

Then there is Manish Malhotra, who started out his career pretty much at the same time as me, and he styled me in movies like Dhadkan, which became a big hit at the time. I am extremely proud to see his continual success as he is growing from strength to strength. Another designer I have come to admire is Rahul Mishra. I remember wearing his creation about a year previous to his Paris Fashion Week show and fell in love with it instantly. I feel really drawn to his sensibilities and intricate workmanship. The way Rahul amalgamates traditional karigari with modern design is outstanding. In fact, I remember telling my sister that whenever she gets married, it has to be Rahul Mishra who designs her wardrobe! 

NP: You recently won the prestigious award for the Most Stylish Fitness Icon at the Pinkvilla Screen & Style Icons Awards. Tell us how you have managed to keep your wellness journey on track while balancing work and family.

SS: What keeps me grounded and balanced through hectic schedules and tiresome days is this mantra – you may not have motivation every day, but you must have discipline. Discipline comes to your rescue at times when you lack that vigour because those days will come. After all, we are only human. Nutrition is another essential part of my fitness regime. For me, fitness is going to be an uphill task, but if I do not have awareness of what is going into my mouth, then that is a problem. It does not have to be a restrictive diet, but I ensure I am eating mindfully, taking full responsibility for whatever goes in my system. And lastly, I am always hydrated – it goes a long way!

NP: Do you follow a morning routine? And are there any tips you would want to give our readers? 

SS: It is best to start the day with warm water. I have said this time and over again, it should be the first thing that goes into your gut in the morning. I follow it up with pure ghee, which is a prebiotic. Adding a little bit of turmeric also helps as it is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. And it is always best to invest in good quality and unadulterated products like A2 ghee. If you are using haldi, go for kachhi haldi rather than the packaged powder. These are things that I start my day with and then have a good high-fibre, high-protein breakfast to balance my nutrition intake every morning. 

My advice is simple – just keep it old school. As many people must already know, I am a firm believer in Yoga and Ayurveda, and it is a combination of these two that makes my fitness journey stronger. It has not only helped me incorporate discipline into my life but allows me to live in freedom from all sorts of fad diets that are temporary and do not help long term. One must stay consistent and maintain a simple routine that does not require eating six times a day. Eat whenever you are hungry. Eat whenever you are hungry. These simple life hacks are what I have lived by, and I advocate the same for others. If you want to be in the pink of health, you have to create a balance between what you wish to eat and what you should be eating. 

NP: You effortlessly juggle multiple roles as a mother, entrepreneur, restaurateur, author, and actress. What helps you manage all that at the same time amid the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry?

SS: I am glad that you think I do it effortlessly, but nothing is as easy as I make it look. My life may look very well put together, but a lot of work goes on behind the curtains. I have my battalion of women behind me; both of my managers are women who are homemakers, so they understand the perils of being a multitasking woman. There have been times when they took a lot of the load on themselves to ease the pressure on me. Every day, they come in with full force and that’s what makes my life a tad bit easier. 

While I am very professional when I am on set, my first and most important job is to be there for my kids. Whether it is my holidays or work schedules, they are all planned around my children’s schedules. I do the same, even for my husband. I start my day very early, and I prefer to be home by seven unless we’re running in urgent deadlines or the shoot is not complete. I like to tuck my children into bed. My husband and I take turns. That is how we spend quality time with our kids post work. Sundays are purely family days where a wholesome brunch is spread out for all, or we go about town to try out a new restaurant. Then, Saturdays are for date night with my husband. Though it is hard to find time with each other, this is how we strive to keep it going. 

NP: Did you always know, you wanted to own restaurants? Is it something which you planned or it just happened on its own way, you know?

SS: I think God has the best plan and I just go with it. If an opportunity comes to me, I put in all the effort that I can. I never thought that I would slowly transcend into another business with hospitality – which is a different gamut of an industry. But luckily, I’ve invested with a partner – Ranjeet Bindra, who is extremely passionate and reliable. Though the business leverages my name, the credit for running it with expertise goes to him. I am glad for our partnership and looking forward to more growth in the future. 

NP: Sukhhee marked a brand-new cinematic journey for you with a unique storyline. Tell us, what makes this film so special?

SS: Sukhee will always hold a very special place in my heart for the heart-touching story it tells about many women’s realities. Though today, my life may seem aspirational and full of glamour, I come from a humble background with simple values. I grew up watching my mother work very hard to support our family, and it made me relate to Sukhee’s character on a deeper level. Even in today’s day and age, there are so many women who compromise their own mental and physical well-being to keep their families happy. They selflessly keep giving to their loved ones at the cost of their own happiness. This film was an ode to all those women. Unfortunately, it did not receive much appreciation through theatrical release but definitely found its audiences on the online streaming platform, and I am grateful for it. 

The reason why people were able to connect with it is because there was a certain reality in the movie’s humour. It addresses the boundless expectations that society keeps from women, which are often fulfilled with a smile on their faces. So, I am really happy with the love women have showered me with after watching Sukhee, and there is nothing more satisfying than that for an artist.

NP: Tell us what’s next now, Shilpa. What do the next six months hold for you?

SS: As I mentioned before, I am not a big planner. I like going with the flow. I actually told my entire team very recently that I have been so occupied in the past two years with Sukhee and the Indian Police Force that I need to take some time off to reboot! We recently went to Ranthambore, which gave me a much-needed break. 

Currently, I am completing the shooting of a new film, and that is about it. On the other hand, we are also gearing up for the opening of Bastian, Bangalore, which is super thrilling! Just a day back, I got the news that we had won the Times Food Best Restaurant in Maharashtra, so I am elated. After Bangalore, we plan to extend it to Pune and Goa, so I’ll be concentrating on that. 

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