Wedding season lasted throughout the last year. From biggies of Bollywood to the royals and tycoons, every couple had a dream wedding. These dazzling star-studded affairs have led to a wave of new trends to follow for the upcoming wedding season and we’re ready to jump on the bandwagon. If your calendar is beaming with wedding RSVPs and your beau or better half is your date or plus one accompanying you for the wedding, nail your appearance coordinating your outfits with each other and you’ll be the talk of the gala. Couple coordinated look is the ultimate trend of this wedding season. Take notes from our exclusive edit and get ready to set #couplegoals with some iconic fashion.
Complementing pair
If twinning with your partner is a tricky business for you, stick to the failsafe way of complementing the details and mood. If she’s wearing a flirty floral saree for the soiree, choose your sherwani with similar detailing. It won’t take more than a moment for onlookers to register your romance and compatibility!

Credits : Saree & Sherwani by Anita Dongre
Contrasting co-ordination
If y’all not to keen on matching exact tone or style and wish to channel your own distinct mojo while looking like an It-couple, counterbalance it with contrasting colours. Case in point: A stellar concept sari matched with a sleek kurta set in different jewel tones is like a feast to the eyes at first glance.

Credits: Kurta set by SVA & Concept sari by Mishru
Harmonious duet
If y’all are a modern young couple, there’s no negotiating with mundane colour co-ordinated looks. Take the ante up by several notches choosing different hues and shades of the same colour. In essence, mint green with emerald green, powder blue with navy will speak volumes about both your style and love.

Credits: Kurta set by SVA & Lehenga by Mishru
Matching the theme
In the age of destination weddings, dressing as per the theme is a no-brainer. If you’re headed to a palatial venue for the soiree, match his kurta set with an opulent lehenga in similar hues to win compliments for your perfect in-sync look.

Credits: Kurta set & Lehenga by Anita Dongre
Twinning is winning
The trailblazer of this trend is none other than the It-couple, Deepika & Ranveer. From nuptials to post-wedding appearances, the pair is always twinning happily together and we can’t stop swooning! Colour-coordinate your lehenga with his kurta set and cause an envious flutter with your note-worthy style.

Credits: Kurta set & Lehenga by SVA