
Guide To A Marvellous Mother’s Day

Out of everything that is up for debate, a mother’s role in a person’s life is unquestionable! She deserves not one – but each day to be just as special as her. 

Feel like you don’t give her enough credit for being her fabulous, compassionate self? Join the club! If we can try to turn this around even for a few hours, we shouldn’t let the opportunity go unseized. Mother’s Day might seem like just another date on the calendar, but it’s a chance to show her what she means to you with actions that back up your words. To plant some ideas into your mind, we’re letting you in our own list of ways to make it a memorable day right from the comfort of your humble abode! Keep reading, and start each activity off with a bear hug. 

Cook WITH her, and not just FOR her!

“The most indispensable ingredient of all good home cooking: love for those you are cooking for.” – Sophia Loren

Even today, when most of us think back to our childhoods, coming home to a warm, freshly cooked meal by our mothers is a memory that is perfectly ingrained in our brain. It’s the one experience a lot of us have in common, and an important one at that. Often, we’ve taken this for granted, and not just when we were little, but also when we’re fully grown adults. All along, we’ve been fully aware of the fact that no Michelin Star Chef in the world can ever compete with a dish prepared by our mother’s hands. The not-so-secret ingredient here is undoubtedly love, and it is added in abundance.

When Mother’s Day is around, we’re all keen on giving our moms a day off cooking and taking over instead! But guess what – her greatest joy will not just come from being presented with a delectable dinner or lunch spread. It’ll come from preparing it together – with YOU. So we say, slip into your aprons, list down all the things she loves, and make a day out of it. 

Write her a letter.

“How wonderful it is to be able to write someone a letter! To feel like conveying your thoughts to a person, to sit at your desk and pick up a pen, to put your thoughts into words like this is truly marvelous.” ― Haruki Murakami

When there were no phones to keep us occupied and no computers to keep us company, letter writing was the only way to get our messages across. It’s safe to say that now, even when technology has progressed so much, the charm of a handwritten letter has stayed intact. It’s the simplest, most effective tool to let someone know that they’re worth the extra effort, even when other mediums exist. 

There isn’t a single mother in the world who wouldn’t love an old-school, conventional gesture. It’s almost like the time when we were young, and our then-teachers would ask us to make greeting cards by hand for our families. The scribbly, colourful drawings would proudly make their way to the fridge door or the softboard, shown off multiple times at family gatherings and casual guest-visits. Writing her a letter this Mother’s Day will garner a teary-eyed smile as soon as she reads it. You don’t have to be a good writer to accomplish this; just a great expresser! Now would be a good time to make use of the stationary you’ve hoarded! 

Look at old photo albums together.

“A picture is worth a thousand words, but memories are priceless.” Fred R. Barnard

See that box full of old pictures resting on the topmost shelf in your parents’ room? Pull it down, dust it off, and take to the floor to revisit every memory and every incident with your mom. They’re more than just candids on beautiful glossy papers, and are records from a time that you may or may not remember otherwise. 

We’re all familiar with the fact that every picture, no matter how or when it was taken, tells a story. Wouldn’t it be great to relive them all with your mother? They might be slightly tattered on the edges, or discoloured due to ageing, but what they have to say will never be obliterated. Looking at old photographs is a definitive way to ensure smiles, laughter and nostalgia; all of which play a vital role in making the day a hit. 

Put together a playlist. 

“Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.”
Leonard Bernstein

It doesn’t come as a surprise when you hear someone say that they get their rather impressive music taste from their parents. Modern music is great, but oldies are evergreen. If writing a letter seems like a feat, the next best thing is putting together a playlist with lyrics that encapsulate everything you feel about your mom. You can also include tunes that you may have heard her hum in passing, or ones that you know she has always loved listening to. 

After your playlist is ready, sit her down and hit the play button! Make this a bonding experience for the both of you, and let the living room be filled not with conversations, but with soothing melodies for a while. Apart from being extremely therapeutic, it’ll also be memorable.

Indulge in a self-care session with her.

“Your daughters will get to grow up and see a woman and a mom who’s making lots of time and space for them, but who’s also making time and space for herself. That changes everything.” ― Ashley Asti

Self-care may seem like a trivial thing when it comes to our day-to-day life, but for many of us, the pandemic has served as a reminder of how wrong we’ve been about this! Something as simple as a relaxing face mask can act as a mood-lifter, and our favourite health drink can be the ideal pick-me-up. Often though, we’ve all seen our mothers work relentlessly without stopping for some rest or to catch their breath. They do everything so perfectly, and take on so many roles and responsibilities, but we know that even the best superheroes need to take a break.

Let this day be that for her! Since she wouldn’t make time to indulge in some spirit-boosting activities alone, make it a point to do it together. Use your expert skills to give her the perfect manicure, or try out a short & fun fitness routine. The end goal shouldn’t leave you both exhausted, but relaxed and rejuvenated on the outside as well as the inside!

Say it with a Gift!
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