
Fashion, lifestyle

Your Guide To A Low-Key Valentine’s

If there’s anything the past few months have reinstated, it’s that over-the-top celebrations and grand gestures are not how you measure love. All you really need is your favourite people by your side, and everything else fades into the background. We’re now into the ‘love month’ as they call it, and Valentine’s Day is fast approaching! Read More

Home decor, lifestyle, Listicle, Party

5 Things You Need If You’re Hosting A Dinner Party

You’ve intimated your friends that they need to keep their calendar free, and planned out the perfect menu already – a delectable four-course meal! Your guestlist too, is finalized with names of everyone you want to see on a weekend, and you can’t wait for their positive RSVP’s. You’ve also picked the outfit you want Read More

lifestyle, Listicle

Celebrations, Redefined!

We’re inching towards the end of a rather nerve-racking year, and we’re well-adapted to the changes we were presented with, in the earlier months. Our social life (which took a backseat for a while) has also done a 180! We’re now investing in real, lasting connections rather than fun but fleeting moments. A ‘gala’ time Read More

Fashion, Guides, lifestyle, Looks Guide, Women's Fashion

Keeping Up With ‘The New Normal’, Stylishly!

By now, we’re all well-versed with what The New Normal really means. A concept that was intimidating at first is now a lifestyle, and we’d be lying if we said we haven’t embraced it. Our innovative and adaptable selves have found new ways to communicate, brought the 9-5 home instead of hitting pause on it, Read More