Author: Roshni Verma


Summer’s Greatest Hits

On one hand, there are styles that make it clear that they’re here to win your wardrobe over and over again, regardless of the season. On the other hand, there are ones that may be embraced only for a few months in the year, but their icon-status is for keeps!  We’re already amidst a relentless Read More


Transitioning To Summer

‘Cause a little bit of summer is what the whole year’s all about! John Mayer knows it – and so do we! Summer, with its arrival, hints at another adventure, and we’re all for it. The days of being snuggled up in a blanket are long gone, and the changing season has also changed our Read More


Pantone Color Of The Year Edit

Every 365 days, if there’s one thing that brings the global creative industry together, it’s gotta be the Pantone Color Of The Year. While 2020 was all about the blues, this year, we’ve been graced with not one – but two polar opposite hues!  Illuminating Yellow and Ultimate Gray have been the talk of the Read More


The 2020 Wardrobe

Every year brings something new to the table. 2020 though, has been the most peculiar one for all of us. We didn’t just see a few of our habits changing, but observed an entire lifestyle switch altogether! Staying indoors pushed us to make some much-needed changes, ones that we plan to take forward in 2021 Read More

Designer Collection, Designer Focused, Fashion, wedding

Made For Millennials

Serving up new trends to millennials season after season just isn’t enough anymore. Why? Because they don’t just follow, but drive them instead! This generation preaches and practices freedom of expression in every way possible, and an outfit without a purpose just doesn’t cut it. Indian designers have started taking notice, and are constantly coming Read More

lifestyle, Listicle

Celebrations, Redefined!

We’re inching towards the end of a rather nerve-racking year, and we’re well-adapted to the changes we were presented with, in the earlier months. Our social life (which took a backseat for a while) has also done a 180! We’re now investing in real, lasting connections rather than fun but fleeting moments. A ‘gala’ time Read More