{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/category/fashion/festive/feed/json -- and add it your reader.", "home_page_url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/category/fashion/festive", "feed_url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/category/fashion/festive/feed/json", "language": "en-US", "title": "Festive | FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping.", "icon": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/cropped-Favicon-First-Look-08.png?impolicy=resize&r_width=512&r_height=512&fit=512,512&impolicy=resize&r_width=1&w=1", "items": [ { "id": "https://blog.perniaspopupshop.com/?p=7235", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/colours-for-the-festive-season/", "title": "A Bright Spectrum: Season\u2019s Happiest Colours", "content_html": "

If you\u2019re reaching for neutral tones to make a statement this season, stop right there! This time of the year is not meant to live life in black and white – but to go beyond it. We\u2019re amid the most exciting festivals & several reasons to celebrate, and it only gets better from here! On Read More


The post A Bright Spectrum: Season\u2019s Happiest Colours first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..

", "content_text": "If you\u2019re reaching for neutral tones to make a statement this season, stop right there! This time of the year is not meant to live life in black and white – but to go beyond it. We\u2019re amid the most exciting festivals & several reasons to celebrate, and it only gets better from here! On Read More\nThe post A Bright Spectrum: Season\u2019s Happiest Colours first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..", "date_published": "2020-09-11T17:00:37+05:30", "date_modified": "2024-09-19T14:23:30+05:30", "authors": [ { "name": "Roshni Verma", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/roshni-vermapurplestylelabs-com/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/350c85d53c68a223d5a1bf64586d11ac?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "Roshni Verma", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/roshni-vermapurplestylelabs-com/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/350c85d53c68a223d5a1bf64586d11ac?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "image": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Untitled-1.jpg?impolicy=resize&r_width=1170&r_height=780&fit=1170,780&impolicy=resize&r_width=1&w=1", "tags": [ "Colours", "Festive", "Fashion" ] }, { "id": "https://blog.perniaspopupshop.com/?p=5777", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/the-most-coveted-prints-for-autumn-season-festivities/", "title": "The Most-Coveted Prints for Autumn Season Festivities", "content_html": "

We often reserve ostentatiously embellished ensembles to pull out in the winter season. Practically too, they’re only appropriate and easy to carry off in airy weathers. But considering the slew of places you’ll be visiting and hours you’ll be spending in your desi ensemble, it’s best to have a lighter take on embellishments. That doesn’t Read More


The post The Most-Coveted Prints for Autumn Season Festivities first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..

", "content_text": "We often reserve ostentatiously embellished ensembles to pull out in the winter season. Practically too, they’re only appropriate and easy to carry off in airy weathers. But considering the slew of places you’ll be visiting and hours you’ll be spending in your desi ensemble, it’s best to have a lighter take on embellishments. That doesn’t Read More\nThe post The Most-Coveted Prints for Autumn Season Festivities first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..", "date_published": "2019-10-02T14:22:48+05:30", "date_modified": "2024-09-19T12:43:38+05:30", "authors": [ { "name": "Priyanka Bimal", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/priyanka-bimal/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/88026b1de7a86e829eab5629f65ca3e1?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "Priyanka Bimal", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/priyanka-bimal/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/88026b1de7a86e829eab5629f65ca3e1?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "image": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Blog-Cover.jpg?impolicy=resize&r_width=1170&r_height=780&fit=1170,780&impolicy=resize&r_width=1&w=1", "tags": [ "Festive", "Women's Fashion", "Fashion" ] }, { "id": "https://blog.perniaspopupshop.com/?p=4881", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/style-encyclopedia-indo-western-jumpsuits-for-the-festive-season/", "title": "Style Encyclopedia: Indo-Western Jumpsuits For The Festive Season", "content_html": "

Jumpsuits originally ushered into the sartorial department as a functional piece of clothing. The ultimate fashion favourite- overalls have been a mainstay on the fashion radar ever since; evolving through the \u201830s as a piece of daring wearable to a pop-culture favourite since the \u201880s. The outfit has been a core staple of women’s casual Read More


The post Style Encyclopedia: Indo-Western Jumpsuits For The Festive Season first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..

", "content_text": "Jumpsuits originally ushered into the sartorial department as a functional piece of clothing. The ultimate fashion favourite- overalls have been a mainstay on the fashion radar ever since; evolving through the \u201830s as a piece of daring wearable to a pop-culture favourite since the \u201880s. The outfit has been a core staple of women’s casual Read More\nThe post Style Encyclopedia: Indo-Western Jumpsuits For The Festive Season first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..", "date_published": "2019-07-24T07:43:56+05:30", "date_modified": "2024-09-18T11:38:49+05:30", "authors": [ { "name": "Priyanka Bimal", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/priyanka-bimal/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/88026b1de7a86e829eab5629f65ca3e1?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "Priyanka Bimal", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/priyanka-bimal/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/88026b1de7a86e829eab5629f65ca3e1?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "image": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Banner.jpg?impolicy=resize&r_width=1170&r_height=780&fit=1170,780&impolicy=resize&r_width=1&w=1", "tags": [ "Festive", "Women's Fashion", "Fashion" ] } ] }