{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/category/fashion/bridal-accessories/feed/json -- and add it your reader.", "home_page_url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/category/fashion/bridal-accessories", "feed_url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/category/fashion/bridal-accessories/feed/json", "language": "en-US", "title": "Bridal Accessories | FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping.", "icon": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/cropped-Favicon-First-Look-08.png?impolicy=resize&r_width=512&r_height=512&fit=512,512&impolicy=resize&r_width=1&w=1", "items": [ { "id": "https://blog.perniaspopupshop.com/?p=8465", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/trending-kaleeras/", "title": "Bridal Inspiration: Kaleeras, Revamped!", "content_html": "

Weddings are an exciting time! This feeling is shared not just by the bride and groom but also their friends and family who, along with eagerly waiting for their favourite couple to say their vows, also look forward to the amusing traditions.  The question of \u201cwho\u2019s next?\u201d is always hanging in the air! The Kaleera Read More


The post Bridal Inspiration: Kaleeras, Revamped! first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..

", "content_text": "Weddings are an exciting time! This feeling is shared not just by the bride and groom but also their friends and family who, along with eagerly waiting for their favourite couple to say their vows, also look forward to the amusing traditions.  The question of \u201cwho\u2019s next?\u201d is always hanging in the air! The Kaleera Read More\nThe post Bridal Inspiration: Kaleeras, Revamped! first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..", "date_published": "2021-06-07T18:33:36+05:30", "date_modified": "2024-09-23T10:56:44+05:30", "authors": [ { "name": "Roshni Verma", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/roshni-vermapurplestylelabs-com/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/350c85d53c68a223d5a1bf64586d11ac?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "Roshni Verma", "url": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/author/roshni-vermapurplestylelabs-com/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/350c85d53c68a223d5a1bf64586d11ac?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "image": "https://wp-admin.firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Cover-01_0001_Out-House-Jewellery-18-8-190918.jpg?impolicy=resize&r_width=1170&r_height=780&fit=1170,780&impolicy=resize&r_width=1&w=1", "tags": [ "Bridal", "Bridal Accessories", "Fashion" ] } ] }